Laser Printers

These type of Industrial Laser Printers are a major capital investment which companies make looking at long term benefits of the technology for coding. These printers do not have maintenance costs or consumable costs upto 20,000 hours and beyond. These printers make use of powerful rays to burn the surface area of a product / packaging to create a mark like dates, batch numbers & other fixed or variable data.


Laser Marking – CO2 Laser Marker
CO2 lasers (sealed light source in a gaseous state) are an efficient solution, suitable for marking on organic materials, polymers, resin, glass and ceramics.
Also usable for marking on labels designed with special materials or treated with special photosensitive paints.

Laser Marking – Fiber Laser Marker
Fiber lasers (laser pulsed light, transmitted through fiber optics) are suitable for marking on metals, polymers (excluding PET) and ceramics. Allow for better print definition and a higher life expectancy